In the digital era, it’s honestly unfair to you or your business to ignore the contribution of Social Media to your marketing efforts. In truth, it’s one of the most affordable marketing options available to startup and medium enterprises leveraging the power of consumer referrals through loyalty to the brand.

Brand loyalty is fueled with effective and consistent branding applied across all messages sent out by the business, chief of which is Social Media. The use of correct tools to target the correct audience leveraging consistency and authenticity is a great way to invoke loyalty in your consumers.

Here are some of the tips required to execute an efficient social media branding campaign:

Identity: Brand identity and voice are to be determined before anything in the branding process. Your value proposition and unique selling point give guidance to your brand development strategy.

Identifying what the problem is and how your business can fix it is the only way to establish a foothold in any industry otherwise you’ll be buried in the multitude of businesses that are already existent.

Audience:  It is imperative to identify your target market and design all your marketing efforts towards them because marketing to everyone is marketing to no one. In the same spirit it is important to avoid focusing on vanity metrics like follower count but focusing on reaching only those that have the need for your service/product. It saves both time and funds if executed in this way

 Your demographic has a very big role to play in your branding process in a way that it helps you determine exactly where to focus your efforts.

Different brand strategies are applied to different demographics. It is important to identify which one will work for your business.

Content: Curated content designed to target your specific audience is important to make sure you reach them in a language and format they understand. This also promotes engagement which in turn is a leads generation for your business and also provides honest consumer reviews of your business giving you an idea on where to readjust to serve your market better.

Design: Design is the single most important in communicating your brand message. It has been established that the human brain is 60,000 times more likely to pay attention to visuals than plain text. In this regard, your design efforts should be carefully approached to ensure that your message is communicated effectively and consistent to ensure easy identification on any platform you choose to share your content.

Choose and Leverage Appropriate Platform: It is a myth that a business should have presence on every platform. Picking and choosing a platform that befits your brand is as important as the content that is to be distributed on it.

It is easy to spread yourself thin trying to be present everywhere when your efforts can be redirected and efficiently used in places where it has true impact.

Consistency and Frequency:  Brands like human beings are much more relatable if they’re consistent in their communication. Communication that is dispersed gives the impression that a brand is not trustworthy or available to serve the consumer’s need at the required time. A constant and clear line of communication between the client and the consumer creates a relationship that is a springboard for creating a loyal customer base and as previously noted, Loyalty is a stepping stone to referrals to other sales qualified leads.



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